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being distilled and is there to be shared and offered to those that are interested. Fashion and beauty have always been keen interests, not high fashion per se but more the beauty of fabrics, colour and fine workmanship as well as what clothes can say about us as a form of self-expression. I see them as a kind of art form, part of the tapestry of life and how they reflect our livingness. Being a fairly visual person, I also love interior design, houses, gardens – the art of light, space, form and beauty. Beauty and harmony mean a lot to me, as I instantly tune into these qualities wherever I go and I feel they are indicative of something deeper within us, that is not always given a voice but nevertheless can be intuited consciously or not.


I love people and connecting and so my life has reflected that, a career trajectory has not been my prime focus but more-so relationships. I have always worked with women, both informally and for the last eight or so years formally. I have my own healing/counselling practice in which my clients are mostly women. I offer various body-focused therapies as well as talking. [please see my services tab.] In my work I draw from my own experience what I have been able to put into practice and live and how that has changed everything. I support other women to do the same, digging deep below the many layers of impositions we have grown up with and taken upon ourselves






ello, I’m Josephine, an older woman transversing her sixties, that most beautiful of decades – ­ and so I have arrived at a time in life where I feel the essence of all that has been lived so far is





to discover the treasure within and find the courage to live from that aspect of ourselves. A process which makes an enormous difference to our vitality and enjoyment of life at all stages and particularly in our elder years. 


Simplicity has been a key factor in my life, a quality which has been refined as I have grown older and wiser. I have always been drawn to what is behind the appearance of things to make sense of deeper aspects of life. This has taken me on various journeys and adventures through different spiritual movements which I saw through and left behind until I was once more aligned to the Ageless Wisdom which is available to everyone and has been there waiting to be re-discovered all along. I now live according to those ancient principles and so you will find this site is nuanced with that  living philosophy.



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